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Whether you're looking for a career-centered scholarship, loans, grants or a work-study program – Elmira has options!
You don't have to wait to be accepted for admission to start the financial aid process. You can begin as early as October of your high school senior year. Start with the basics like the FAFSA and give yourself time to read the forms and gather information. And remember, we're here to help!
The FAFSA determines your eligibility for financial assistance and is your gateway to federal, state, AND Elmira College financial aid. You can complete your FAFSA online at Our federal school code is 002718.
International Students should contact the Director of Admissions for information on international aid:
Mr. Patrick Gillette
Director of Admissions, Elmira College
(607) 735-1736
We understand there may be special or unusual circumstances and/or changes in a family's financial situation that are not reflected on the FAFSA. It is important for families to know that a process exists to review these circumstances. You can contact the Office of Financial Aid at or (607) 735-1728.
Complete any state grant applications, such as New York and Vermont, by the required deadlines. Contact information for these state agencies is below.
For free private scholarship information, contact your high school guidance office or log on to:
For questions about your FAFSA or help with technical issues 800-4FEDAID (800-433-3243)
Title IV Financial Aid Code (FAFSA): 002718
99 Washington Avenue
Albany, New York 12255
Phone: 888-697-4372
Phone: 800-433-3243 (General Info)
New York State TAP Code: 0215
Indian Aid Funding
Phone: 518-474-0537
PO BOX 2000
Winooski, VT 05404
Phone: 800-882-4166